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17 de fev. de 2010

MONTY PYTHON'S FLYING CIRCUS - 1969 a 1974 (Completo)

Áudio: Inglês
Legendas: Português - Br
Nº de episódios: 45 (divididos em 4 temporadas)
Duração: Em média 30 min. cada episódio.

Monty Python ou The Pythons foram os criadores e intérpretes da série cômica Monty Python's Flying Circus, um programa de televisão britânico que foi ao ar pela primeira vez em 5 de outubro de 1969. Como série televisiva, consistiu de 45 episódios divididos em 4 temporadas (a última temporada sem John Cleese). Entretanto o fênomeno Python não se limitou a apenas isso, espalhando-se por shows, filmes, programas de rádio e diversos jogos de computador e livros, além de lançar seus seis integrantes ao estrelato.

Sua influência na comédia chegou a ser comparada ao impacto causado na música pelos Beatles. Enquanto no humor britânico sua presença sempre foi nítida, nos Estados Unidos ela é especialmente evidente em programas de conteúdo absurdo como South Park, Adult Swim, trechos de Late Night with Conan O'Brien, além do programa Saturday Night Live. O termo pythonesque, em tradução livre 'pythonesco', está em dicionários da língua inglesa para indiciar algo surreal ou absurdo.

O nome Monty Python foi escolhido porque eles o consideraram engraçado. No documentário Live at Aspen, de 1998, o grupo revelou como o nome foi escolhido. Monty veio em tributo a Lord Montgomery, um lendário general britânico da II Guerra Mundial. Python surgiu pois eles decidiram ter uma palavra que também soasse evasiva, e essa pareceu perfeita. Alguns acreditam que Monty Bodkin, nome de um personagem em vários livros de humor de P. G. Wodehouse, pode ter servido de inspiração.

Originalmente composto por Eric Idle, Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Michael Palin, Terry Jones, jovens atores britânicos que implementaram um novo estilo de texto e representação, marcadamente anárquico e pautado pelo completo surrealismo das cenas. Também contavam com Terry Gilliam, cartunista que trabalhara na revista Mad.

O grupo também contava com Carol Cleveland, Neil Innes e alguns outros atores, todos tendo participações menores. Também esteve em alguns sketches Connie Booth, ex-mulher de John Cleese.

De igual modo, fizeram participações especiais celebridades como Steve Martin, Douglas Adams, Rowan Atkinson (ator que interpreta Mr. Bean) e os ex-beatles Ringo Starr e George Harrison.

Elenco Principal: Eric Idle, Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Michael Palin, Terry Jones e Terry Gilliam.
Elenco de Apoio: Carol Cleveland, Neil Innes, Connie Booth.

Senha para descompactação:


1ª Temporada (1969 e 1970):

Ep. 1.01 - "Whither Canada?":

- It's Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Italian lesson
- Whizzo Butter
- "It's the Arts"
- Arthur 'Two Sheds' Jackson
- Picasso/Cycling Race
- The Funniest Joke in the World

Ep. 1.02 - "Sex and Violence":

- Flying Sheep
- French Lecture on Sheep-Aircraft
- A Man with Three Buttocks
- A Man with Two Noses
- Musical Mice
- Marriage Guidance Counsellor
- The Wacky Queen
- Working-class playwright
- The Wrestling Epilogue
- The Mouse Problem

Ep. 1.03 - "How to Recognise Different Types of Trees From Quite a Long Way Away":

- Court Scene with Cardinal Richelieu
- The Larch
- Bicycle Repair Man
- Tirade Against Communists
- Children's Stories
- Restaurant Sketch
- Seduced Milkmen
- Stolen newsreader
- The Horse Chestnut
- Children's Interview
- Nudge Nudge

Ep. 1.04 - "Owl Stretching Time":

- Song: "Jerusalem (And did those feet)"
- Art Gallery
- Art Critic
- It's a Dog's Life in the Modern Army
- Undressing in Public
- Self Defence Against Fresh Fruit
- Secret Service Dentists

Ep. 1.05 - "Man's Crisis of Identity in the Latter Half of the 20th Century":

- Confuse-a-Cat
- The Smuggler
- A Duck, a Cat and a Lizard (discussion)
- Vox Pops on Smuggling
- Police Raid
- Letters and Vox Pops
- Newsreader Arrested
- Erotic film
- Silly Job Interview
- Careers Advisory Board
- Burglar/Encyclopedia Salesman

Ep. 1.06 - "It's the Arts (or: The BBC Entry to the Zinc Stoat of Budapest)":

- It's the Arts
- Johann Gambolputty
- Non-Illegal Robbery
- Vox Pops
- Crunchy Frog (Whizzo Chocolate Company)
- The Dull Life of a City Stockbroker
- Red Indian in Theatre
- Policemen Make Wonderful Friends
- A Scotsman on a Horse
- Twentieth-Century Vole

Ep. 1.07 - "You're No Fun Anymore":

- Camel Spotting
- You're No Fun Any More
- The Audit
- Science Fiction Sketch
- Man Turns Into Scotsman
- Police station
- Blancmanges Playing Tennis

Ep. 1.08 - "Full Frontal Nudity":

- Army Protection Racket
- Vox Pops on Full Frontal Nudity
- Art Critic - The Place of the Nude
- Buying a Bed
- Hermits
- Dead Parrot
- The Flasher
- Hell's Grannies

Ep. 1.09 - "The Ant, an Introduction":

- Llamas
- A Man with a Tape Recorder Up His Nose
- Kilimanjaro Expedition (Double Vision)
- A Man with a Tape Recorder Up His Brother's Nose
- Homicidal Barber
- The Lumberjack Song
- Gumby Crooner
- The Refreshment Room at Bletchley
- Ken Buddha and His Inflatable Knees
- Brian Islam and Brucie
- Hunting Film
- The Visitors

Ep. 1.10 - "Untitled":

- Walk-on Part in Sketch
- Bank Robber in a Lingerie Shop
- Trailer
- It's A Tree
- Vocational Guidance Counsellor
- Ron Obvious: The First Man to Jump the Channel
- Tunnelling from Godalming to Java
- Pet Conversions
- Gorilla Librarian
- Letters to "Daily Mirror"
- Strangers in the night

Ep. 1.11 - "The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Goes to the Bathroom":

- Lavatorial Humour
- Interruptions
- Agatha Christie (Inspector Tiger)
- Literary Football Discussion
- Interesting People
- Undertakers Film
- Eighteenth-Century Social Legislation
- The Battle of Trafalgar
- Batley Townswomans Guild Presents the Battle of Pearl Harbour
- Undertakers Film

Ep. 1.12 - "The Naked Ant":

- Falling From Building
- Spectrum - Talking About Things
- Visitors From Coventry
- Mr. Hilter and the Minehead by-election
- Silly Voices at the Police station
- Upper Class Twit of the Year
- Ken Shabby
- How Far Can a Minister Fall?

Ep. 1.13 - "It's the Arts (or: Intermission)":

- Restaurant Abuse/Cannibalism
- Advertisements
- Albatross
- Come Back to My Place
- Me Doctor
- Historical Impersonations
- Quiz Programme: "Wishes"
- Probe-Around on Crime
- Stonehenge and Mr. Attila the Hun
- Psychiatry
- Operating theatre

2ª TEMPORADA (1970)

Senha para descompactação:


Ep. 2.01 - "Face the Press (or: Dinsdale)":

- Face the Press
- New Cooker Sketch
- Tobacconist's (Prostitute Advert)
- The Ministry of Silly Walks
- Piranha Brothers

Ep. 2.02 - "The Spanish Inquisition":

- Man-Powered Flight
- The Spanish Inquisition
- Jokes and Novelties Salesman
- Tax on Thingy
- Vox Pops
- Photos of Uncle Ted
- The Semaphore Version of "Wuthering Heights"
- Julius Caesar on an Aldis lamp
- "Gunfight at the OK Corral" in Morse Code
- Smoke signal Version of "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"
- Court Charades

Ep. 2.03 - "Déjà Vu (or: Show 5)":

- A Bishop Rehearsing
- Flying Lessons
- Hijacked Plane
- The Poet McTeagle
- Psychiatrist Milkman
- Complaints
- Déjà Vu

Ep. 2.04 - "The Buzz Aldrin Show (or: An Apology)":

- An apology
- Gumby announcement
- Architects Sketch
- How to Recognize a Mason
- An apology/Another Gumby announcement
- Motor Insurance Sketch
- The Bishop
- Living Room on Pavement
- Poets
- A Choice of Viewing
- An Interview with a Nude Man
- The Bishop...Again?!
- An apology
- Gumby Frog Curse/Another Another Gumby Announcement
- Chemist Sketch
- An Apology/Words Not to be Used Again
- After-shave
- Vox Pops
- Police Constable Pan-Am
- Another Apology
- End Credits
- Last Gumby announcement (The end)

Ep. 2.05 - "Live from the Grill-O-Mat":

- Live From the Grill-o-Mat
- The First Item...
- Blackmail
- Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things
- Escape from Film
- The Next Item (or dish)...
- Current Affairs
- Continued from the Escape from Film
- The Next Item (...Prawn Salad...?)...
- Accidents Sketch (Prawn Salad Ltd.)
- Interruption
- Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
- The Butcher Who is Alternately Rude and Polite
- The Last Item (coffee)...
- Ken Clean-Air System
- On the Bus (end credits)

Ep. 2.06 - "It's A Living (or: School Prizes)":

- "It's a Living"
- The Time on BBC 1
- School Prize-Giving
- "if...." - a film by Mr Dibley
- "Rear Window" - a film by Mr Dibley
- "Finian's Rainbow" (starring the man from the off-licence)
- The Foreign Secretary and Other News
- Free Dung from the "Book of the Month" Club
- Dead Indian
- Timmy Williams interview
- Raymond Luxury Yacht (Throat Warbler Mangrove interview)
- Marriage Registry office
- Election Night Special

Ep. 2.07 - "The Attila the Hun Show":

- "The Attila the Hun Show"
- Attila the Nun
- Secretary of State Striptease
- Vox Pops on Political Groupies
- Ratcatcher
- Wainscotting
- Killer Sheep
- The News for Parrots
- The News for Gibbons
- Today in Parliament
- The News for Wombats
- Attila the Bun
- The Idiot in the Rural Society
- Test Match Against Iceland
- The Epsom Furniture Race
- "Spot The Braincell"

Ep. 2.08 - "Archaeology Today":

- Trailer
- "Archaeology Today"
- Silly Vicar and Leapy Lee
- Registrar (wife swap)
- Silly doctor sketch (immediately abandoned)
- Mr. and Mrs. Git
- Roy and Hank Spim - Mosquito hunters
- Poofy Judges
- Mrs. Thing and Mrs. Entity
- Beethoven's Mynah Bird
- Shakespeare
- Michaelangelo
- Colin "Chopper" Mozart (ratcatcher)
- Judges

Ep. 2.09 - "How to Recognise Different Parts of the Body":

- "How to Recognise Different Parts of the Body"
- Bruces sketch
- Naughty Bits
- The Man who Contradicts People
- Cosmetic Surgery
- Camp Square-Bashing
- Killer Cars
- Cut-Price Airline
- Batley Townswomen's Guild Presents the First Heart Transplant
- The First Underwater Production of "Measure for Measure"
- The Death of Mary Queen of Scots
- Exploding Penguin on the TV Set
- There's Been a Murder
- Sgt. Duckie's Song - Police entry for Eurovision Song Contest
- "Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bang" (song) - contest winner from Monaco

Ep. 2.10 - "Scott of the Antarctic":

- French Subtitled Film
- Scott of the Antarctic
- Scott of the Sahara
- Conrad Poohs and His Dancing Teeth
- Fish Licence
- Derby Council v. All Blacks Rugby Match
- Long John Silver Impersonators v. Bournemouth Gynaecologists

Ep. 2.11 - "How Not to Be Seen":

- Conquistador Coffee Campaign
- Repeating Groove
- Ramsey MacDonald Striptease
- Job Hunter
- International Chinese Communist Conspiracy
- Crelm Toothpaste / Shrill Petrol
- Agatha Christie Sketch (railway timetables)
- Mr Neville Shunte-Railroad Playwright
- Gavin Millarrrrrrrrr Writes
- Film Director/Dentist Martin Curry (teeth)
- City Gents Vox Pops
- Crackpot Religions Ltd
- How Not to Be Seen
- Crossing the Atlantic on a Tricycle
- Interview in Filing Cabinet
- "Yummy Yummy Yummy, I've Got Love In My Tummy"/Music Time
- Monty Python's Flying Circus Again in Thirty Seconds

Ep. 2.12 - "Spam":

- "The Black Eagle"
- Opening credits
- Dirty Hungarian phrasebook
- Court (phrasebook)
- World Forum - Communist Quiz
- "Ypres 1914" (abandoned)
- Art Gallery Strikes
- "Ypres 1914"
- Hospital for Over-Actors
- Gumby Flower Arranging
- Spam

Ep. 2.13 - "Royal Episode 13":

- The Queen Will be Watching
- Coal Mine in Llandarogh Carmarthen
- The Man Who Says Things in a Very Roundabout Way
- The Man Who Speaks Only the Ends of Words
- The Man Who Speaks Only the Beginnings of Words
- The Man Who Speaks Only the Middles of Words
- Commercials
- How to Feed a Goldfish
- The Man Who Collects Birdwatcher's Eggs
- Insurance Sketch
- Hospital Run by RSM
- Mountaineer
- Exploding Version of "The Blue Danube"
- Girls Boarding School
- Submarine
- A Man with a Stoat Through His Head
- Lifeboat (cannibalism)
- Undertaker's sketch

3ª TEMPORADA (1972 e 1973)

Senha para Descompactação:


Ep. 3.01 - "Whicker's World (or: Njorl's Saga)":

- Njorl's Saga/Opening Credits
- Multiple Murderer Court Scene
- Investigating the body
- Njorl's Saga - part II
- A Terrible Mess
- Njorl's Saga - part II: North Malden?
- Starting Over
- Njorl's Saga - part II: Invest in Malden?
- Phone conversation about the word "Malden" in the saga
- Eric Njorl Court Scene (Njorl's Saga - part III)
- Stock Exchange Report
- Mrs. Premise and Mrs. Conclusion at the Launderette
- Mrs. Premise and Mrs. Conclusion at North Malden
- Back to the saga...
- Njorl's Saga - part IV: Mrs. Premise and Mrs. Conclusion visit Sarte in Paris
- Whicker's World

Ep. 3.02 - "Mr. and Mrs. Brian Norris' Ford Popular":

Obs.: Participação mais do que especial de Ringo Starr no final do episódio Laughing

- Emigration from Surbiton to Hounslow
- Schoolboys' Life Assurance Company
- How to Do It
- Mrs. Niggerbaiter Explodes
- Vicar/Salesman
- Farming Club
- "Life of Tschaikowsky"
- Trim-Jeans Theatre
- The Fish-Slapping Dance
- World War Two (Animation)
- Titanic Sinking
- The BBC is Short of Money
- SS Mother Goose
- It's Man Show

Ep. 3.03 - "The Money Programme":

- The Money Programme
- Money Song
- Erizabeth L
- Fraud Film Director's Squad
- Hands Up (Animation)
- Dead Bishop, AKA Church Police or Salvation Fuzz
- Jungle Restaurant
- Apology for Violence and Nudity
- Ken Russell's "Gardening Club"
- The Lost World of Roiurama
- Six More Minutes of Monty Python's Flying Circus
- The Argument Skit
- Hitting on the Head Lessons
- Inspector Flying Fox of the Yard
- One More Minute of Monty Python's Flying Circus

Ep. 3.04 - "Blood, Devastation, Death, War, and Horror":

- Blood, Devastation, Death, War and Horror
- The Man Who Speaks in Anagrams
- Anagram Quiz
- Merchant Banker
- Pantomime Horses
- Life and Death Struggles
- Househunters
- Mary Recruitment Office
- Bus Conductor Sketch
- The Man Who Makes People Laugh Uncontrollably
- Army Captain as Clown
- Gestures to Indicate Pauses in a Televised Talk
- Neurotic Announcers
- The News with Richard Baker (vision only)
- The Pantomime Horse is a Secret Agent

Ep. 3.05 - "The All-England Summarize Proust Competition":

- Summarize Proust Competition
- Hairdressers Climb Up Mount Everest
- Fire Brigade
- Our Eamonn
- "Party Hints" with Veronica Smalls
- Language Laboratory
- Travel Agent
- Watney's Red Barrel
- Anne Elk's Theory on Brontosauruses

Ep. 3.06 - "The War Against Pornography":

- Tory Housewives Clean-up Campaign
- Gumby Brain Specialist
- Molluscs - "Live" TV Documentary
- Report on the Minister reports
- Tuesday Documentary
- Children's Story
- Match of the Day
- An Apology
- Expedition to Lake Pahoe
- The Silliest Interview We've Ever Had
- The Silliest Sketch We've Ever Done

Ep.3.07 - "Salad Days":

- Biggles Dictates a Letter
- Climbing the North Face of the Uxbridge Road
- Lifeboat
- Old lady snoopers
- Storage Jars
- The Show so Far
- Cheese Shop sketch
- Philip Jenkinson on Cheese Westerns
- Sam Peckinpah's "Salad Days"
- Apology
- The News with Richard Baker
- Seashore Interlude Film

Ep. 3.08 - "The Cycling Tour":

- Mr. Pither
- Mr. Gulliver and Clodagh Rogers
- Trotsky
- Smolensk
- Bingo-Crazed Chinese
- Not Secret Police
- Trotsky / Eartha Kitt
- Firing Squad
- Eartha Kitt / Edward Heath

Ep. 3.09 - "The Nude Organist":

- Bomb on plane
- A naked man
- Housing project built by characters from 19th century English Literature
- M1 interchange built by characters from Paradise Lost
- Mystico and Janet-flats built by hypnosis
- Mortuary Hour
- Olympic hide-and-seek final
- The Cheap-Laughs
- Bull-fighting
- Prices on the planet Algon
- Reading the credits

Ep. 3.10 - "E. Henry Thripshaw's Disease":

- Tudor Jobs Agency
- Pornographic Bookshop
- Elizabethan Pornography Smugglers
- Silly Disturbances
- The Free Repetition of Doubtful Words Sketch
- 'Is There?'... Life after Death?
- The Man Who Says Words in the Wrong Order
- Thripshaw's Disease
- Silly Noises
- Sherry-drinking Vicar

Ep. 3.11 - "Dennis Moore":

- "Boxing Tonight" - Jack Bodell v. Sir Kenneth Clark
- Dennis Moore
- What the Stars Foretell
- Doctor
- TV4 or Not TV4 Discussion
- Lupins
- Ideal Loon Exhibition
- Off-Licence
- Dennis Moore Rides Again
- Prejudice
- Redistribution of Wealth

Ep. 3.12 - "A Book at Bedtime":

- Party Political Broadcast (Choreographed) †
- A Book at Bedtime - "Redgauntlet"
- Kamikaze Scotsmen
- No Time to Lose
- Frontiers of Medicine - Penguins
- BBC programme planners
- Unexploded Scotsmen
- Spot the Looney
- Rival Documentaries
- Dad's Doctors, Dad's Pooves and Other Interesting Stories

Ep. 3.13 - "Grandstand":

- Thames TV Introduction
- "Light Entertainment Awards" with Dickie Attenborough
- Dickie Attenborough
- The Oscar Wilde Sketch
- Charwoman
- David Niven's Fridge
- Pasolini's Film "The Third Test Match"
- New Brain from Curry's
- Blood Donor
- International Wife-Swapping
- Credits of the Year
- The Dirty Vicar Sketch

4ª TEMPORADA (1974)

Senha para descompactação:


Ep. 4.01 - "The Golden Age of Ballooning":

- The Montgolfier Brothers
- Montgolfier Brothers in Love
- Louis XVI
- The Court of George III
- Party Political Broadcast on Behalf of the Norwegian Party (subtitled)
- Zeppelin

Ep. 4.02 - "Michael Ellis":

- Department Store
- Buying an Ant
- At Home with the Ant and Other Pets
- Documentary on Ants
- Ant Complaints
- Ant Poetry Reading
- Toupee Department
- Different Endings

Ep. 4.03 - "The Light Entertainment War":

- Up Your Pavement
- RAF Banter
- Trivializing the War
- Courtmartial
- Basingstoke in Westphalia
- "Anything goes" (song)
- Film Trailer
- The Public Are Idiots
- Programme Titles Conference
- The Last Five Miles (8 km) of the M4
- Woody and Tinny Words
- Show-Jumping
- Newsflash
- "When Does a Dream Begin?" (song)

Ep. 4.04 - "Hamlet":

- Bogus Psychiatrists
- Nationwide
- Police helmets
- Father-in-Law
- Hamlet and Ophelia
- Boxing Match Aftermath
- Boxing Commentary
- Piston Engine (a Bargain)
- A Room in Polonius' House
- Dentists
- Live from Epsom - Jockey Interviews
- Queen Victoria Handicap

Ep. 4.05 - "Mr. Neutron":

- Post-box Ceremony
- Mr. Neutron
- F.E.A.R. / Mr. Neutron is Missing!
- Teddy Salad
- Secretary of State and Prime Minister
- Bombing
- Mrs. Scum
- Teddy Salad Explodes
- Mr. Neutron Escapes
- Conjuring Today

Ep. 4.06 - "Party Political Broadcast":

- Most Awful Family in Britain (Cowritten by Neil Innes)
- Icelandic Honey Week
- Patient Abuse (Cowritten by Douglas Adams)
- Brigadier and Bishop
- Appeal on Behalf of Extremely Rich People
- The Man Who Finishes Other People's Sentences
- David Attenborough
- The Walking Trees of Dahomey
- Batsmen of the Kalahari
- Cricket Match (assegais)
- BBC News (handovers)

3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

valeu pelo monty python! \o/

Andy_Silvino disse...

O 7º episódio da 1ª temporada está off, teria como repostar?

Anônimo disse...

Re-upem, por favor.

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